Fred Eldridge, a pipefitter for the past 25 years, has retired after 40 years of service with Boise Cascade.
Jim Christie, formerly of International Falls and currently of Grand Rapids, recently graduated from Northeast Metro Technical College.
A three cylinder Polaris 650cc snowmobile topped the field at Sunday's Jaycee Time Trials with a speed of 88 miles per hour. Kurt Eisenach, owner and driver of the machine, was presented the trophy.
Mr. and Mrs. John Tomczak will be honored on the occasion of their 40th wedding anniversary at an open house Saturday, March 1, from 6 to 8 p.m. in the Banquet Room of the Holiday Inn.
The engagement and forthcoming marriage of Miss Andrea Bond to Charles W. Skrief, is announced by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bond of Lexington, Mass.
Don Frick of the Grain Belt Beer bowling team in the Major League posted the season's first 700 series in Falls bowling Tuesday night.
A boy was born today at Falls Memorial Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. John Dalton; weight, 7 pounds, 2 ounces.
Seaman Recruit Philip Grandaw, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Warner J. Grandaw, 1017 Eighth St., graduated Feb. 5 from recruit training at the Naval Training Center, San Diego, Calif.
A pink and blue shower honored Mrs. Ronald Peterson in the home of Mrs. DeWayne Boomgaarden, 1406 11th St. Decorating the gift table was a stork carrying a pocket watch, and a a border of pink with blue streamers.
Christian C. Rognerud, 77, retired grocer and a border resident since 1905, passed away at his home, 506 Seventh St., following a lengthy illness.
Jarle E. Rokke, cadet in the Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps at St. Olaf College, was promoted to the rank of airman first class.
Seniors Larry Domish, Elmer Braaten, Doyle Hartje and captain Joe Crotty will play their last basketball game for the Purple and Gold Saturday when the Broncos entertain Nashwauk here in the regular season's final game.
A party was staged at the William DeWester home, Island View Route, honoring Diane DeWester on her 17th birthday.
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Kelley of this city announce the birth of a son this evening at Northern Minnesota Hospital.
A birthday party honoring Mrs. Tony Bachinski took place at the Ukrainian Hall.
Members of the W.N.G.O.N. Club presented a cake with 18 candles to Miss Bertha Santine as a birthday surprise at their meeting last evening. The club met at the home of Miss Helen Paulson.
Ray Rutledge, Koochiching County draftee who left Friday morning for Fort Snelling, was guest of honor at a farewell party Tuesday evening at his home, Highway 53.
Compiled by International Falls Public Library