NORTH Ayrshire Council's plan for the future is "progressing well", a new report has revealed.
Developed alongside residents, Our Council Plan shows how the authority works in partnership to fulfil its aim of 'A North Ayrshire that is fair for all'.
It does this by focusing on four priorities: wellbeing, communities and local democracy, climate change and sustainability.
A report to the council's cabinet has revealed good progress on the plan in the six months between April and September 2024.
A Best Value Thematic Audit by Audit Scotland examined the council's workforce plans to explore how it is responding to workforce challenges through building capacity, increasing productivity and innovation.
It found that the council had "a clear vision for workforce planning" including promoting flexible working practices for many employees including remote working and compressed hours.
Other key highlights include:
Though outside of the timescales of the report, cabinet was informed that the council has recently been selected as one of three Scottish local authorities on the Collaborating for Health Equity in Scotland (CHES) programme.
Jointly led by Public Health Scotland and the University College London Institute for Health Equity, CHES will both strengthen and accelerate work to address child poverty.
It will complement the council's Fairer Futures Partnership activity and be central to ensuring residents live in a North Ayrshire that is fair for all.
Council leader Marie Burns said: "We developed the Plan in partnership with our communities, and it is vital that they continue to be at the heart of our planning and decision-making processes.
"There is a lot of good work being done across council services. And the Collaborating for Health Equity in Scotland programme and Fairer Future Partnerships - among other projects - are vitally important as these are expected to support us in improving health and well-being for our residents."
Cabinet approved the Council Plan Six Monthly Progress Report when it met recently, and this was presented to the Audit and Scrutiny Committee for consideration.