I call it my V 8 Constitutional Ride for 21st century America
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
The Lame Cherry has a purpose in the following education, as the issues we are facing in this fractured election where both sides will claim an illegitimate candidate has won, reflects the election of 1860 when 3 parties ran and the minority candidate in Lincoln won, with a number of states not voting.
I desire for you to read another part of Abraham Lincoln's inauguration speech to a divided nation, which regrettably was heard in the South as a call to war and in the North a call to Abolitionism. Lincoln was speaking to a house divided and the following quotes appear at the end of his speech, so let us begin with this quote.
This country with it's institutions, belongs to the People who inhabit it. Whenever they shall grow weary of the existing government, they can exercise their constitutional right of amending it, or their revolutionary right to dismember or overthrow it
This quote will stun most readers as besides a Constitutional Convention, Abraham Lincoln states that Americans have a right to revolution, to dismember and overthrow the government. After the framing of Americans by glow worms on Jan6, to intimidate the People, it is startling to hear the words of Thomas Jefferson spoken in advocacy by President Lincoln that Americans have a right to revolt.
The Lame Cherry is not advocating anyone to do this, but it is a stated right of the People. Before you take this out of context, understand what Abraham Lincoln was facing. The South had already seceded in part from the Constitution. UNDERSTAND THIS, Abraham Lincoln stated that the South had no such right to secede, because Lincoln's stance was America was more than a marriage. In a divorce, people can get away from each other, but you can not move South Carolina to Mexico to get it away from Pennsylvania. Lincoln explains this in the next quote. What Lincoln was explaining was every state was stuck with the other, no divorce, because when a husband in national sense, seceded from his wife, he so weakened her and all the other marriages of states that the entire Union was going to die. It was not till death do us part, but divorce or secession will murder all of us and some other power will invade and take what is ours.
Physically speaking we can not separate. We can not move our respective sections from the other, nor build an impassible wall between them. A husband and wife may be divorce,and go out of the presence and beyond the reach of the other; but the different parts of the country can not do this. They can not but remain face to face, and intercourse, either amicable or hostile, must continue between them.
Suppose you go to war, you cannot fight always and when, after much loss on both sides, and on gain on either, you cease fighting, the identical old questions as to terms of intercourse are again upon you.
In 1861, the problem Eastern bankers at odds with Southern political power, and both eyeing the coming Western states as powerhouses to try and exploit them or bring them to heel. Slavery was the chosen weapon of immorality to destroy the Southern political power, just as woke immorality and the invasion of America by a new slave class is the weapon chosen by the banksters in this era to destroy the continuity of government for their hedgefund control.
In knowin the same weapon platform and remember Abraham Lincoln stating Americans had the right to Amend and Revolt to dismember and overthrow, now study his closing remarks in his inauguration as the check and balance.
In your hands, my dissatisfied fellow countrymen, and not in mine, is the momentous issue of civil war. The government will not assail you. You can have no conflict without being yourselves the aggressors. You have no oath registered in heaven to destroy the government, while I shall have the most solemn one to "preserve, protect and defend it".
Thea above is what is lost in the horrid foreign bred Ken Burns Civil War propaganda which is propaganda to this day. While the government is indeed assailing Americans and by agency and order is revoking rights, look at the key points which Abraham Lincoln makes in summation.
Abraham Lincoln is stating he is not going to assail the States or People with violence. He has stated he will collect taxes and duties, he will keep authority of government property in forts, depots and post offices according to the Constitution, but he will not coerce the States or the People.
If the South would mind their slaves, that was their property and it would not be infringed. As long as everyone kept to their obligations of the Constitution, there would not be conflict.
It is the ringing last sentences though which explain all in what Thomas Jefferson in revolution rights and Abraham Lincoln in Constitutional authority which is not understood. It is the check and balance by design.
Lincoln states the South has no authority to destroy the government, meaning the Constitution which protects all States from death if divorce occurs, as you can not set off a nuclear bomb on the 4th of July, destroying your state and those states around you as a right, because there is that oath on the Bible a President takes to preserve, protect and defend, not the Constitution, but the reason for the Constitution to preserve life for an American, to protect moral liberty of an American and defend the prosperity of an American.
This is what is lost in Abraham Lincoln. He literally would kill the South and the Southerner in holocaust because they violated the Constitution by moving to destroy that Union of Security as without it all would die. Lincoln though would support the Southern right to Amend the Constitution to limit or eliminate Lincoln, the Congress or Judiciary to what the South demanded, and yes Mr. Lincoln would have supported the South overthrowing the government. This seems like a fine line but it is not fine at all, as the South was not going to be allowed to destroy the Union of life, liberty and prosperity, but Lincoln painted a broad line where the South AS LONG AS THE UNION REMAINED INTACT could defy the Federal in it's State to dismember and overthrow. The Constitution allowed only small grants of authority to Government, all else was retained in the 10th Amendment by the People and the States. Lincoln was stating the legalities in any State could run roughshod over the Federal in they only had to keep one point in not violating the Union nor interfering with tax collection, federal property and security.
Abraham Lincoln in his hotel suite actually had a meeting with Virginia State Unionists. It was a remarkable meeting in the Unionists literally told Lincoln, "Just ignore the Federal rights long enough for us to change the laws, so you will not have to enforce them.". Lincoln agreed to this as it was Constitutional.
By the same Lincoln balance again though, he told his scribe, "I do not understand these Virginians in they tell me they will stay and not secede, if I let South Carolina go". Abraham Lincoln could never be swayed from the few Constitutional mandates which were the protections of all. His entire diagnosis was the Union could not be alive if there was a morbid cancer in some states making that Union septic to the grave.
I have never agreed with Abraham Lincoln on States not having the right to secede, but in his dissertation of Constitutional Law of no one has the right to do something that gets other people killed, I agree that Abraham Lincoln was sound in his conclusions. Abraham Lincoln was just as sound in he understood the Jefferson mindset of what the right of revolution and dismemberment meant to Americans. As long as it did not destroy the Government, meaning the Union, it was legitimate. What has been lost is people think Jefferson was talking about the ending of subjection to England in the Declaration of Independence. No, Thomas Jefferson was speaking as Lincoln was that America had within the protections of the Constitution the right to amend it, and to dismember or overthrow the parts which were violating the rights of the people to life, liberty and prosperity.
If the South had not been manipulated by foreigners as the North was by bankers, the South would have had an advocate in Abraham Lincoln to be in revolt which would have spread to the West, ensuring rights, while the natural progression of if the Abolitionists wanted free slaves, they should pay the South for loss of property and the Yankee should have gladly funded this to the debts of Union State morals while they sold farming machines to the South to get all that money back.
The rules have been bastardized from Abraham Lincoln in 1861 as the District of Crooks is a criminal syndicate weaponizing all agencies against Americans to thwart that right to revolution within the Constitutional right. This though as all things Lame Cherry is provide you information, to teach you, to force your minds to process and think, so that you will go out in conversation and stun people with what the hell you are talking about as they will go blank and attempt to not process it, but the more it becomes the conversation and understanding, the more the rights negated will be verified in the mind.
What you must understand is the Government is there to work for you. It has just been used by a few against you for so long, censoring the important parts that you have no use for the regime. This only needs an informed people to kick this into gear to remedy itself. That is what the Founders designed this all as Jefferson and Lincoln were not giving license to destroy, but to rectify and remedy within the protective bounds of the Constitution. The Union stays intact so that the People can dismember and overthrow the parts violating the three mandates of Life, Moral Liberty and Prosperity.