I am just turning 18 years old, I am ecstatic about being able to vote for the first time this coming November. Along with being informed about the presidential candidates, I believe that it is equally as important to understand what I am voting for at the local level. This year the ballot on Nov. 8 will contain two questions, asking voters to approve the 2016 Operating Levy and Bond Referendum.
The first question of the referendum, the Operating Levy, will generate supplementary tax dollars to support improved classroom instruction and school operations. The newly generated funds will in turn help maintain the beneficial and valuable curriculum within Orono Schools. Without these additional dollars, the programs that Orono has built potentially may not be maintained.
Approaching my senior year at Orono High School, I have been fortunate enough to have access to a wide variety of classes. The rigor of these class has allowed me the opportunities to experience my education at heightened levels. I strongly believe that without such programs, the success of students in the future would be greatly hindered.
Question two of the referendum, the Bond Referendum, asks voters to approve the construction of an 80,000 square-foot indoor activities center attached to Orono High School. Essentially, this proposition would provide students with more gym space and classrooms to accommodate the growing needs of the school. The activities center would also be open to the use of the community.
As an athlete at Orono High School, adding an activities center to the school would greatly enhance the athletic experience that Orono has to offer. Orono offers a wide variety of athletics that students can partake in, and limitations in facility space, at times, have posed an issue. With the addition, the entire community can use the space emphasizing, that the tax dollars are truly being spent to better the entire community.
Now becoming informed out the phenomenal opportunities the referendum as to offer, I wish that I could of been able to reap the benefits. Although I will no longer be a student at Orono when the referendum is put into action, I will vote "yes." Through the wonderful experiences and opportunities that Orono has provided me, I aspire to pay it forward to the upcoming students so they may have the same, if not more, opportunities.