'Home Alone' house in Chicago suburbs sells for $5.5 million, more than asking price

By Joseph S. Pete

'Home Alone' house in Chicago suburbs sells for $5.5 million, more than asking price

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Every winter season, a stream of nostalgic gawkers gather outside the "Home Alone" house in suburban Chicago to see where Kevin McCallister waged war against the Wet Bandits while eating junk, watching rubbish and hiding out from the South Bend Shovel Slayer.

The home in north suburban Winnetka that was featured in the holiday classic, the second highest-grossing film in 1990, went on the market last year and sold for $5.5 million, according to the listing by Coldwell Realty's Dawn McKenna Group. The massive house at 671 Lincoln Ave., Winnetka fetched $250,000 more than the asking price of $5.25 million, more than triple what it last sold for about a decade ago.

"Home Alone" star Macaulay Culkin reportedly weighed a bid for the house, which had been briefly listed on Airbnb a few years ago.

The six-bedroom, six-bathroom stone home, which was built in 1921, had sold for $1.59 million in 2012. The 9,126-square-foot mansion attracts sightseers year-round, but especially around Christmas. It featured prominently in the classic holiday film "Home Alone," which was directed by Chris Columbus and produced by John Hughes, the popular maker of 1980s teen movies who often set his films in the Chicago suburbs near where he grew up.

In "Home Alone," the 9,126-square-foot property was defended by McCallister with irons, bb guns, tarantulas, swinging paint cans and other makeshift traps from robbers played by Joe Pesci and Daniel Stern. In recent years, many people have speculated online what the McCallisters did for a living to afford such an opulent house and a holiday vacation to Paris for such a large family, speculating that Kevin's dad was in the mafia. Columbus has said Kevin's mom was supposed to have been a prominent fashion designer.

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Business Reporter

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