Carolyn Wiger reacts to latest 'Traitors' Roundtable: 'I was dying inside'

Carolyn Wiger reacts to latest 'Traitors' Roundtable: 'I was dying inside'

Carolyn and Danielle simply could not get on the same page as Traitors, and once Danielle started floating Carolyn's name around the castle, a civil war broke out. That war came to its epic conclusion on this week's episode as the two once again locked swords at the Roundtable, with Danielle emerging the winner when Carolyn was voted out by the group.

"I am somebody who every day of my life am judged because of who I am, my differences, my quirks," she told her cast mates while in the Circle of Truth. "I didn't want to connect with a lot of you because I am an emotional person. Playing this game, it's not easy for me. I just wanted to have fun. But I have to get real with myself -- being a Traitor isn't fun."

Well, the fun -- or lack thereof -- is now over. Entertainment Weekly caught up with Carolyn to see how she was taking her banishment, get her thoughts on rival Danielle, and gather some intel on what has not been shown from inside the castle walls. She also reveals the one vote that left her "pissed."

ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: Tell me about this final Roundtable. When it started, were you planning to take a shot at Danielle again?

CAROLYN WIGER: It was one of those things like, of course I wanted to take a shot at her for a while, but is this the time? Was it planned? No, it wasn't. It was kind like: Let's see what happens. I reacted emotionally. I couldn't take it anymore. So it wasn't planned. I had talked with Dylan, I had talked with Gabby. The plan in my head was like, "Okay, just take out a man, blah, blah, blah." But I was trying to do the whole sit back and just work with Danielle.

Quite frankly, after the Ciara vote, that unanimous bulls---, that's not fun. Neither is sitting around the Roundtable and not talking because you can get banished. It's boring! And I was dying inside, and that is the truth. I was literally dying, not only because I have to be with her in the turret that night. This is the truth: Just the thought of having to go and do that crap all over again, I couldn't take one more night of it.

But what was giving me hope was the dream that I could possibly bring Gabby in there and have some fun. And I thought: [Danielle's] got nothing on me, so she's not going to get me out. She's been the loudest, most ridiculous one here. It ain't happening. So I'm like, I guess I'll go again and blah, blah, blah, and do the BS turret stuff.

I think Wes said something about, "It's a rookie move if you don't have the votes." I didn't, but look who I'm working with here! "Hey Tom, can we all connect on this plan?" I knew I couldn't rely on Tom, nor could I rely on Dolores. And I certainly couldn't rely on Britney because she already knew that she's a Traitor. So in my head I'm thinking: They got some deal going on. She's going to bring her in. So you know what? Let me bring Gabby in before she gets Britney. That was in my head. And Ivar... I'm like, girl. Really, what plan am I supposed to put together with some of these people?

Some of the players like Ivar and Dylan said that Danielle made more compelling arguments at the final Roundtable. Ivar even said "You lost the argument" when he voted for you. It didn't seem that way from what I saw, so why do you think they felt that way?

I have no idea! Because I'm emotional? The stuff that was said, I was like: This isn't happening right now. First you come for me however many episodes ago. Totally, that was a shock. I didn't expect that. And now what are you doing? And I remember saying to her in the turret however many episodes ago, "You're literally going to have to go back and make up a bunch of stuff about me because you have nothing. You are going to have to just make a bunch of stuff up." And, well, that's what she did.

You said in your final words to the group that "being a Traitor isn't fun." How much of that was the drama with Danielle, and how much was it the weight of lying to people?

Here's the deal. And I don't like sounding bitter because it's not cute, but I will blame her. It just wasn't fun. And I truly expected this experience to be fun. And I don't think that we need to go to that level of game. This isn't Big Brother: All Stars. We are with literally people who they don't even know where they are, some of them. And they're just, in my opinion, here to have a good time and have fun, too.

I guess we all go in for different reasons, and certainly, winning is one of them. The extremes that she went through. Energy is a thing, and so when you're around somebody who's shaking and they're crying... and, I'm okay with tears, but girl, I started to just take it on and it made me feel gross.

And so with the times that I would connect with people on deep, real levels, it felt gross because I'm like: I'm crying because this is genuine and real and stuff is happening, and then I see this person over here. That's what was hard for me. And I get that this is a game, but it's not necessary to play that way. This isn't Survivor where everybody has an understanding of that. And I guess you could say, "Well, that's not our problem. We're the gamers and we're going to." But it's not impressive to me to do that to people like Lord Ivar or Tom or people like that.

Read the room! We don't need to go that extreme. And so, would I have liked being a Traitor with someone who was more fun and not so serious about this stuff? It just wasn't fun in that serious mode.

Considering how nobody suspected you at all as a Traitor, how do you think you do in this game if Danielle is not in the turret with you?

I won. I do. Come on! The chess? Oh, that's all it took was the chess? No. Nobody was suspecting me. Nobody. I really am not going to buy that Danielle just had these great relationships with Lord Ivar and Tom. As you see, people throw those rogue votes. How the heck can you come up with a plan with some of those people?

So what are you thinking when you see Tom and Dolores voting for each other, just burning those votes?

Of course it's annoying! But again, I am not going to lie to you. Do you think that I actually am expecting [anything different]? Because I remember towards the end, Ivar would say, "I can go home at any time now." And I would go room to room trying, and I remember Dolores was like, "I'm just done talking about this game. I'm exhausted." And I'm like, "Oh my God!"

And then I have the conversation with Dylan. I've already given up on Britney because all I'm thinking in my head is Britney's going to the turret. Britney is wanting to go be a Traitor with Danielle. It's done. I gave up on her, so I'm like, who am I supposed to come up with a plan with? But just based off of everything and how obvious [Danielle] had been, I'm thinking: "There's no way. I don't have anything on me. So there's no way for me to get banished. I can't." So yes, in my opinion, there were people who knew she was a Traitor and that's it.

It cuts off right after you say being a Traitor isn't fun. Was there anything else you said to the group that did not make the final edit?

It hurt. It really hurt. And I ran out of there. I didn't even want to see their faces because again, how I looked at it, especially with Dylan, I was like: How dare you? We had our little heart-to-heart before. And I'm like, seriously? Oh my gosh, Dylan, you picked her over me? I was pissed. It hurt. The Dylan one hurt. Okay, so let's say you know that I'm a Traitor, which you don't, really. It comes down to 100 percent people knowing she's a Traitor. I'm sorry.

You probably didn't even see it because you were out of there. But Danielle was literally convulsing on the floor as you were banished.

I'm glad I didn't see that and wasn't there in person. That's not necessary. Is that necessary on a show like this? Am I sounding bitter? Again, it's just not necessary. And this is where it's like: Okay, I'm a gamer, but I'm not the typical gamer type. Again, we're all different. We play differently. But let's read the room here. What are you doing? And do you really feel that that is necessary to do in this situation? I would say no.

What's something that happened in the castle that really didn't come out in the episodes?

I know that Britney a lot of the times just felt like, "Oh my gosh, I don't fit in here." But you would never know that from seeing it. I'm like, "You look like the popular girl." But I connected with her really well, so when I saw her steering towards Danielle, I'm like, "What are you doing?" I wanted Britney with me.

Last question: Easier or harder than Survivor?

Harder! Oh, and I do want to talk about this. I got ink all over Boston Rob. Girl, I had ink all over the letter. Oh my God. So we just signed the thing and I got ink all over it. Seriously, I would've been in prison from the handprint or the fingerprints if I was going away for murder. So anyway, then I get ink and there's ink over Boston Rob's face, and I'm just thinking in my head, "Oh my God, oh my God, I got ink all over his face. Oh my God, what am I going to do?"

And then I'm like, "Um, there's ink on your face. "And he's like, "Get it off!" And I'm like, "I'm not touching your face!" I'm not going to touch Boston Rob's face. And then he's like, "Just spit and get it off." And I just go, "No, no. I'm sorry. I'm not touching your face. I can't. I'm uncomfortable. I don't want to." I'm not putting my spit on Boston Rob. Are you crazy? No.

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