Plano to host annual workshop for permanent residents interest in obtaining citizenship

Plano to host annual workshop for permanent residents interest in obtaining citizenship

Permanent residents living and working in the U.S. legally will have the opportunity to learn about the process of becoming a Naturalized U.S. Citizen during a special workshop Saturday afternoon in Plano.

Sandeep Srivastava still remembers the day he and his family, raised their right hand and recited the Oath of Allegiance to the United States of America.

"I still remember 2009 July, we took the oath and immediately after that we went to the passport office to get our passports," he said proudly.

The prominent business owner and political candidate will share his journey at a special citizenship workshop at the Sockwell Center in Plano. The informative session begins at 2 p.m.

The Plano multicultural outreach roundtable has hosted citizenship workshops for the past 18 years, providing vital information in multiple languages on how and when to apply for citizenship.

This year's event will again offer people with legal status free consultations with immigration attorneys who speak many languages such as Spanish, Chinese and Arabic.

"They have a chance to talk about whatever issues they're facing," said organizer Shaheen Salam, co-chair of the Plano Multicultural Outreach Roundtable.

Attendees can receive assistance from Citizenship and Immigration Services and attorneys for filing citizenship applications, according to a press release.

Interest in the effort has spiked in past years when immigration has topped headlines and political campaigns, said Salam.

"The very first time our president Trump was elected, and he became president, we had a record-breaking 350 attendees. We never expected that," she said. "This year, I don't know how many there will be."

The workshop is specifically for Permanent Residents, those with Green Cards, legally in the U.S.

Obtaining citizenship in the U.S. can vary based on individual cases but is typically available to those who have had their green card for at least five years, have no criminal record, are of "good moral character" and pass a citizenship exam.

Some locals have blasted the event, falsely claiming it aids undocumented migrants.

The climate surrounding legal and illegal immigration has increased anxiety, even among families with legal status, according to immigration attorney Haim Vasquez.

"They fear that the political climate right now is going to affect their future, their possibilities and they just want to be able to become a citizen as soon as they can," said Vasquez. "They fear that they could be detained or that their immigration status could be in jeopardy if they don't become citizens -- out of concerns about whether or not permanent resident status is a protection to themselves even though it is."

Attorney Haim Vasquez has also noticed, anxiety over seemingly never-ending policy changes announced by the Trump Administration, U.S. citizens have also rushed to secure their U.S. passports.

"They feel now they need that they have to carry some kind of proof of citizenship, even though it's not required under the law," said Vasquez.

According to a press release, refreshments will be served, courtesy of Jimmy's Grill Plano, Crescent Moon Chinese Restaurant and the Baha'i Center. Desserts will be provided by Alma Law Firm. Ked's Artisan Ice Cream & Treats will set up an ice cream bar.

The Sockwell Center is located at 6301 Chapel Hill Blvd in Plano.

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