NEWTON, MASS. (WHDH) - Charged with assault and battery with a dangerous weapon, pro-Israel demonstrator Scott Hayes is speaking out for the first time.
In September 2024, a man ran across the street and tackled Hayes during a rally in Newton. Authorities say that man is Caleb Gannon.
The incident, all caught on cellphone video.
Hayes was carrying a gun which went off, hitting Gannon in the stomach.
"I was looking down at my phone because I was dialing 9-1-1 at the time, so I didn't see him lunging at me until the last second," said Hayes.
Both Gannon and Hayes are facing charges, but Hayes says he acted in self defense. In Massachusetts, however, the law states you have a "duty to retreat" if possible.
"Before using any force in a situation, you're required by law to exhaust all opportunities to leave the area," said Hayes.
When asked if he feels as if he did that, Hayes responded, "I was slammed to the concrete with my head sustaining a concussion and placed in a choke hold. I don't think I had any options to retreat at the time."
Hayes was bailed out by his supporters following the incident.
He says he had surgery to fix a herniated disc in his neck and suffered mobility issues because his pectoral muscle was torn. He also lost his job.
"I've tried for other jobs. I've gone on interviews and this day and age everyone googles someone when they come across something so the first thing they find when they google me is this incident," said Hayes.
Hayes says he doesn't want to be defined by what happened.
When asked what's the biggest misconception surrounding him, Hayes said, "That I'm a violent, angry person. I'm really not. I'm a protector."
Hayes' critics point to his social media post from May, saying he's a gun totting activist that's threatened violence in the past.
"They're absurd, they're false," said Hayes.
Hayes says its time to move on.
"Ultimately, I'd like for the charges to be dismissed. I believe I acted lawfully and legally that day," said Hayes.
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